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IIF (Institut International du Froid)

The Institut International du Froid (IIF) is an independent intergovernmental organization founded in 1908, based on science and technology, which promotes knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies and applications, on a global scale to improve the quality of life in a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable way. The main areas of expertise include: Food quality and safety from production to consumer; Comfort in homes and commercial buildings; Health care products and services; Low temperature technology and liquefied gas technology; Energy efficiency; Safe use of refrigerants that do not deplete the ozone layer and contain global warming. The Organization has 59 Member States, as well as 304 individual members, including researchers and public and private institutions active in the sector. It is active through projects financed at national, European and international level: For nationally funded projects, the IIF makes its experts available to Member States interested in funding specific projects to prepare studies.

In Europe, it is the EU that finances projects for the development of new technologies and the elaboration of technical guides: among these projects is the CryoHub, funded under Horizon 2020, which aims to examine and increase the storage potential of cryogenic energy to generate energy and cold. At an international level, these are projects conducted in partnership with UN agencies, such as the project funded by UNIDO to evaluate the additional costs for improving energy efficiency in commercial refrigeration and the project conducted in partnership with the UN-Environment OzonAction. The General Manager, Didier Coulomb, is assisted by a Deputy General Manager. The Organization makes use of the General Conference to define the policies of the IIF; of the Executive Committee, which controls the administrative and financial activity of the IIF; of the Steering Committee, which organizes the meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Science and Technology Council, the technical body that coordinates the scientific and technical activities of the IIF, conducted by 10 commissions grouped into 5 sections and various working groups. Italy is a founding member of the IIF. The competent office for the cold chain in the agri-food industry is at MIMIT, in Division VII – Agri-food industry, Made in Italy and creative industries. Participation in the work is ensured by experts from the academic and research world.


Official website: