The International Organization of Vine and Wine (O.I.V.) is an intergovernmental institution of a scientific and technical nature operating in the sector of the vine and its derivative products, which, since 2001, has replaced the International Office for Vine and Wine, established with an agreement signed on 29 November 1924 by Italy, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Tunisia, Hungary, Greece and Portugal: the founding countries which in 2024 will celebrate the first centenary of the Organization in a special honorary committee. The agreement that established the O.I.V. was signed on 3 April 2001. It foresees Italian as the official language together with French, English, German and Spanish, in addition to Russian which has been added as the sixth official language from 2021. On 25 October 2021, in during an extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly, the draft decision relating to the amendment of the headquarters agreement for its transfer from Paris to Dijon was adopted by consensus. The O.I.V. it is made up of 50 Member States, not only wine-producing countries, but also consuming countries, interested in knowing and understanding what is happening in the wine world. Italy boasts a prominent position within the OIV, which derives not only from the fact that it is a founding country but also from its substantial strength as the world’s leading wine producer and exporter, reflected in the financial contribution, in the specific weight of its votes considered and, last but not least, in having proposed and obtained your presidency by a very large majority, with the election in July 2021, for a three-year term, of Professor Luigi Moio, full professor at Federico Secondo in Naples, oenologist and wine producer. Among the main tasks of the O.I.V. they include the formulation of recommendations to be applied in the Member States on oenological production and practices, assistance to other international intergovernmental organizations, the harmonization of international standards and the development of new ones. The OIV, having reached 100 years of activity, aspires to exercise greater influence and to have increased representation in the assembly of international organizations. This is attested by the growing collaborations with other OOII and institutions, the entry of new member states (most recently Ukraine and Albania) and Observatories (the State of Texas and the members of the Wine Origins Alliance), the prolific technical-scientific activity resulting in the high number of resolutions adopted in recent years.