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BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures)

The BIPM is an intergovernmental organization created by the Metro Convention, signed in Paris on May 20, 1875. It operates in the sector of the science of measurements and reference units of measurement. Initially founded by 17 countries, the Metro Convention now has 62 member states and 40 associated states. Italy is a founding member. The BIPM’s main governing bodies are the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) and the International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIPM). The BIPM proposes itself as an international reference organization for the global system of measures. Collaborates with Member States’ national metrology laboratories, regional metrology organizations and strategic partners to promote and advance worldwide comparability of measurements in the fields of acoustics, ultrasound and vibration; chemistry and biology; electricity and magnetism; length; masses; photometry and biometry; ionizing radiations; time and frequency; thermometers; unit of measure. Each of these sectors is dealt with in a specific Advisory Committee. The General Conference on Weights and Measures (GFCM) brings together delegates from Member and Associated States. Among the tasks of the CGPM are the examination of the report of the works carried out by the CIPM, the adoption of provisions to ensure the improvement of the INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITY (SI) and the adoption of resolutions of international scope. The work program is spread over 4 years. In the period 2016-2019, the annual budget was around €12 million. The International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIPM) directs all metrological work. It is made up of 18 members of different nationalities. The Committee is divided into various Working Groups and Sub-Commissions and avails itself of the various Consultative Committees of which it designates the president and examines the reports. Italy participates with its own delegates in the following Advisory Committees: acoustics, ultrasound and vibration; chemistry and biology; electricity and magnetism; length; masses; photometry and biometry; time and frequency; thermometers; unit of measure. The BIPM also makes use of Joint Committees of the BIPM and other international organizations and institutions.
The BIPM and the OIML (Organisation Internationale de la Métrologie Légale) both operate in the metrology sector, collaborating and maintaining distinct competences: the OIML has legal and technical-administrative competences while the BIPM is responsible for the studies of issues related to the measurement of physical quantities. The collaboration between the BIPM and the OIML is enshrined in a Memorandum of Understanding signed by both organizations with UNIDO in 2008. The two organizations meet in joint committees and have a regular exchange of information on the activities undertaken. Through different forms of International Regulatory Cooperation, both contribute to the removal of technical barriers to trade: the BIPM because by establishing the basis for a single and consistent worldwide measurement system (where possible traceable to the International System of Units (SI)), it provides a transparent, open or all-encompassing framework for the mutual recognition of national measurement standards; the OIML since by drafting a harmonized international regulation it avoids the proliferation of different and conflicting regulations which hinder trade and increase its costs. The Director of the BIPM is Martin Milton. The competent Italian technical administration for the matter is the Ministry of Economic Development, Division VIII – Measuring instruments and precious metals, of the General Directorate for the market, competition, consumer protection and technical legislation. INRIM (National Institute of Metrological Research) is the public scientific research body that performs the functions of a national metrological institute for Italy, constituting the oversight of a large part of metrology, the science of measurement. INRIM creates, maintains and develops the national reference standards of the seven basic units of the International System (SI) – metre, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole and candela – and of the respective derived units. Through these samples, it guarantees the reliability of the measures at a national level and their comparability at an international level. Official site: