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ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference)

Founded in 1955 as an intergovernmental organization, the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) seeks to harmonize civil aviation policies and practices among its member states and, at the same time, promote understanding of policy issues among its member states and other parts of the world. ECAC’s mission is to promote the continued development of a safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system. ECAC has 44 members: all European countries including the Balkan countries, Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia in the east; Norway and Iceland to the north, Turkey to the southeast. ECAC’s 44 directors general of civil aviation meet at regular intervals, typically three times a year, to review, discuss and resolve policy issues. On an annual basis, the ECAC Forum takes place and this offers the Directors-General the opportunity for informal strategic discussions on issues of current importance.

The ECAC Coordination Committee, which directs the activities of ECAC between these meetings, comprises the President of ECAC, elected for a three-year term, three Vice-Presidents (including Italian Alessio Quaranta) and up to seven “focal points”, all of whom are civilian directors-general. Aviation assumes responsibility for leading specific areas of ECAC activity, with the help of specialized working groups, task forces, etc. ECAC’s long aviation experience, pan-European membership and close link with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) allow it to serve as a single European forum for discussion of all major civil aviation topics. It enjoys active cooperation with its affiliated organizations through Memorandum of Understanding and with the European Commission, EUROCONTROL and the JAA Training Organisation. It has particularly valuable links with industry and organizations representing all parts of the aviation industry. The ECAC Secretariat, under the direction of its Executive Secretary Patricia Reverdy, comprises a multinational group of experts with extensive experience in all aspects of civil aviation. ECAC is based in Paris (3, bis villa Emile Bergerat, 92522 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex) and its working languages are English and French. Official site: European Conference of Civil Aviation (CEAC)